How To Eliminate Flies
The best way to control pest flies is to eliminate them before they ever emerge. By simply sprinkling a small bag of Fly Predators on your manure areas just as the weather turns warm you can prevent flies from ever becoming a nuisance.
Fly Predator Instructions
Using Fly Predators is about as simple as it gets. Just pour them out of the pouch they come in around manure areas. Do this AFTER you begin to see them walking around the pouch.
We send Fly Predators early enough so they will emerge within a week after delivery. This also can vary, depending on the temperature. If it's cooler than normal, they emerge later, likewise, if it's been a lot warmer than normal they might start emerging very soon after delivery.
When you get your Fly Predators, take them out of the shipping box to see if they have emerged. If they have emerged you will see them walking around in the pouch. They are very tiny and look like ants with wings. If they have not emerged, leave the pouch in a warm, but not hot, location and check it every couple of days. They can stay in the pouch after emerging for 3 days without any problem, and longer if necessary slowly losing their productivity over the next several weeks.
After your Fly Predators have emerged, simply pour some of them out of the pouch around each of the manure areas. Fly Predators will self disperse up to 150 feet so you don't need to be terribly precise, but generally you want to put them around the wettest, freshest areas and where manure is stockpiled. Chickens and birds love to eat the Fly Pupae (these look like little black rice grains) that Fly Predators are in, so if you have lots of chickens or birds, hang the opened sack on a post above chicken level rather than leaving them on the ground.
Fly Trap Instructions
Traps complement Fly Predators as they'll get the adult flies coming in from neighbors and the few flies your Fly Predators might not have stopped in time. Be sure to use the right traps in the right locations.
Horse Owners Usually Need Three Different Types Of Traps:
- Odor traps for House Flies (the flies on the face of your horses) which are the stinky ones you add water)
- Sticky traps which also catch House Flies and many other flying insects and
- Biting Stable Fly Traps to catch the leg biters since they are not at all tempted by House Fly Traps.
Where you put a trap can make a big difference too. Odor traps bring House Flies (but not Stable Flies) in from a wide area. Use these to draw flies away from your barn. Never put them in the barn or by your back door except to knock down a big fly population initially.
Sticky traps are good inside the barn as they get the flies there but don’t bring more in. Stable Fly traps work best within one foot of the ground in sunlit areas. They need light reflecting thru them to attract Stable Flies.